На ИЗО в 6-ом Классе.

Им сказали что они рисуют соседей по парте.Билл улыбнался и начал Вырисовывать очертание Кати.Она тоже рисовала Биллаи у неё получилось вот это:
В конце урока все здавали рисунки.Когда катя и Билл здали свои рисунки Марк(их однокласник.)Задирал их.Называл парочкой но им было всё равно. Главное они в месте.Билл не мог разобратся в себе.С одной стороны они друзья, а с другой при её появлении у него сердце быстрей бьётся, в разговоре он боится сказать что-то не то.Что это?Любовь?
-Так, вы придумали свои песни?Первой пойдет...Кат выходи.
-Эм...Сейчас *достаёт тетрадь*А можно я сама мелодию сыграю?
-Можно.-Она Спела песню под названием Angels

Sparkling angel I believed
you were my saviour in my time of need.
Blinded by faith I couldn't hear
all the whispers, the warnings so clear.
I see the angels,
I'll lead them to your door.
There's no escape now,
no mercy no more.
No remorse cause I still remember
the smile when you tore me apart.

You took my heart,
deceived me right from the start.
You showed me dreams,
I wished they would turn into real.
You broke your promise and made me realise...
It was all just a lie!

Sparkling angel, I couldn't see
your dark intentions, your feelings for me.
Fallen angel, tell me why?
What is the reason, the thorn in your eye?
I see the angels,
I'll lead them to your door
There's no escape now
no mercy no more.
No remorse cause I still remember
the smile when you tore me apart

You took my heart,
deceived me right from the start.
You showed me dreams,
I wished they would turn into real.
You broke your promise and made me realise...
It was all just a lie!
Could have been forever,
Now we have reached the end!!

This world may have failed you,
it doesn't give you reason why.
You could have chosen a different path in life.

The smile when you tore me apart

You took my heart,
deceived me right from the start.
You showed me dreams,
I wished they would turn into real.
You broke your promise and made me realise...
It was all just a lie!
Could have been forever,
Now we have reached the end

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